Implementation of Typical Operators

This section introduces the implementation details of three typical TiDB operators: Sort, HashAgg, and HashJoin.

Firstly, every operator should implement three basic interfaces of Executor:

  • Open - Initializes the operator, sets up the memory tracker/disk tracker, and other meta-info for the current operator.

  • Next - Each call to Next returns a chunk of data. Returning an empty chunk indicates that the execution is complete for the current executor. Note that Next is not thread-safe. It's by design that Next is not called concurrently for all operators.

  • Close - Responsible for releasing all resources held by the executor.


The Sort operator is used to arrange the result set of a query in a specific order. In TiDB, the operator implementing sort is SortExec. The fundamental concept behind SortExec is to read all the data from its child executor and then sort the entire data set.

In Next, it invokes fetchRowChunks to read all the data from its child executor. fetchRowChunks aims to store all the data in one SortedRowContainer. The memory usage grows as the input data volume increases. To manage the memory usage, SortExec has spill-to-disk support. The details of this spilling are encapsulated within SortedRowContainer. Every time the insertion of a chunk into the current SortedRowContainer returns ErrCannotAddBecauseSorted, it indicates that the current SortedRowContainer has been spilled. SortExec will then create a new SortedRowContainer and insert the chunk into this new container. Once there's no data coming from its child executor, SortExec will sort the current SortedRowContainer.

After fetchRowChunks completes, Next starts producing sorted results. Depending on whether a spill to disk was initiated, there are two methods to produce the final sorted outcomes:

  • Spill not initiated: In this straightforward scenario, if there's no spill, since the entire SortedRowContainer gets sorted at the end of fetchRowChunks, during Next, it simply invokes GetSortedRowAndAlwaysAppendToChunk to fetch the sorted data from SortedRowContainer.

  • Spill initiated: When a spill occurs, each spilling round produces an independent SortedRowContainer, stored in partitionList. In Next, an external multi-way merge sort merges all partially sorted data streams into one final sorted data stream.


The HashAgg operator uses a hash table to perform grouping and aggregation. In TiDB, the operator implementing hash aggregation is HashAggExec.

HashAgg has two execution modes: parallel and non-parallel execution. During the build stage, the planner is responsible for deciding the execution mode for a HashAgg. A HashAgg will operate in non-parallel execution mode if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The aggregation function contains distinct.

  • The aggregation function (GROUP_CONCAT) contains order by.

  • The user explicitly sets both hashAggPartialConcurrency and hashAggFinalConcurrency to 1.

Non-parallel Execution

Non-parallel execution mode performs aggregation in a single thread. unparallelExec is the core function for non-parallel execution. In unparallelExec, it first reads all the data from its child executor, then aggregates the data using execute. After execute completes, unparallelExec starts to generate results by traversing all the group-by keys, generating one row for each key by calling AppendFinalResult2Chunk for each aggregation function.

Parallel Execution

Parallel execution mode performs aggregation using multiple threads, dividing the aggregation into two stages:

  • Partial stage: each thread aggregates a portion of the input data into partial results.

  • Final stage: each thread aggregates the partial results into final results.

The flow of parallel execution is illustrated in the following graph:

                            | Main Thread |
                              +-+-            +-+
                              | |    ......   | |  finalOutputCh
                              +++-            +-+
                               |               |
                 +--------------+             +--------------+
                 | final worker |     ......  | final worker |
                 +------------+-+             +-+------------+
                              ^                 ^
                              |                 |
                             +-+  +-+  ......  +-+
                             | |  | |          | |
                             ...  ...          ...    partialOutputChs
                             | |  | |          | |
                             +++  +++          +++
                              ^    ^            ^
          +-+                 |    |            |
          | |        +--------o----+            |
 inputCh  +-+        |        +-----------------+---+
          | |        |                              |
          ...    +---+------------+            +----+-----------+
          | |    | partial worker |   ......   | partial worker |
          +++    +--------------+-+            +-+--------------+
           |                     ^                ^
           |                     |                |
      +----v---------+          +++ +-+          +++
      | data fetcher | +------> | | | |  ......  | |   partialInputChs
      +--------------+          +-+ +-+          +-+

There are three types of threads that read data and execute the aggregation:

  • fetchChildData: This thread's concurrency level is set to 1. It reads data from the child executor and places it into inputCh, serving as the input for each partial worker.

  • HashAggPartialWorker: The concurrency of HashAggPartialWorker is determined by hashAggPartialConcurrency. This worker reads the input data, executes partial aggregation on the data, produces partial results, and sends them to the final worker.

  • HashAggFinalWorker: The concurrency of HashAggFinalWorker is set by hashAggFinalConcurrency. This worker reads partial results, produces final results, and sends them to finalOutputCh.

Similar to Sort, HashAgg is also a memory-intensive operator. When HashAgg runs in non-parallel execution mode, it supports spill-to-disk functionality (spill-to-disk in parallel execution mode is currently under development). Unlike Sort, which spills all data to disk, the HashAgg approach is different. In the current implementation, once a HashAgg is flagged for spilling, for all subsequent inputs, if the group-by key of a row already exists in the current hash map, the row will be inserted into the hash map. If not, the row gets spilled to disk. Detailed workings of the HashAgg spill can be explored here.


The HashJoin operator uses a hash table to perform the join operation. In TiDB, the operator that implements hash join is HashJoinExec.

HashJoin constructs the results in two distinct stages:

  1. Fetch data from the build side child and build a hash table.

  2. Fetch data from the probe side child and probe the hash table using multiple join workers.

Build stage

The fetchAndBuildHashTable function orchestrates the build stage. Two threads are engaged in this work:

  • fetchBuildSideRows reads data from the build side child and funnels it into the buildSideResultCh.

  • buildHashTableForList retrieves input data from buildSideResultCh and subsequently constructs the hash table based on this input.

Detailed mechanics of building the hash table are encapsulated within the hashRowContainer. It's worth noting that, as of now, TiDB does not support the parallel building of hash tables.

Probe stage

The fetchAndProbeHashTable function executes the probe stage. This stage engages two types of threads:

  • fetchProbeSideChunks operates with a concurrency of 1. It reads data from the probe child and dispatches them to various probe workers.

  • probeWorker instances read data from fetchProbeSideChunks and probe concurrently. The concurrency level is determined by ExecutorConcurrency.

Each probeWorker contains a joiner, a core data structure implementing various join semantics. Every type of join in TiDB has its specialized joiner. The currently supported joiners include:

The joiner offers three foundational interfaces:

  • tryToMatchInners - For each row from the probe side, it attempts to match the rows from the build side. Returns true if a match occurs and sets isNull for the special join types: AntiSemiJoin, LeftOuterSemiJoin, and AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin.

  • tryToMatchOuters - Exclusive to outer join scenarios where the outer side acts as the build hash table. For each row from the probe (inner) side, it attempts to match the rows from the build (outer) side.

  • onMissMatch - Used in semi join scenarios to manage cases where no rows from the build side match the probe row.

During the probeWorker operation, it reads data from the probe side. For every probe row, it attempts to match against the hash table and saves the result into a result chunk. Most of these operations utilize the join2Chunk function for probing. However, for outer joins that use the outer side as the build side, the function join2ChunkForOuterHashJoin is called upon.

Within join2Chunk/join2ChunkForOuterHashJoin, the probe work consists of three steps for each probe row:

  1. Quick tests are conducted before accessing the hash table to determine if a probe row won't find a match. For instance, in an inner join, if the join key contains null, the probe can bypass the hash table probing since null will never match any value. For rows that are non-matching, the onMissMatch function is invoked.

  2. The hash table is looked up to identify potential matching rows.

  3. In the absence of potential matching rows, the onMissMatch function is invoked. Otherwise, the tryToMatch function is executed.

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